Given my own penchant for sharing YouTube videos here at Russian History Blog and the recent posts from Miriam Dobson and Alison Smith sharing some phenomenal historical photographs, it seems appropriate to start gathering a list of everyone’s favorite online resources for teaching Russian history. Add your favorites to the comments, and I’ll start compiling them and create a separate page on the blog with a list of these materials. I would bet that a lot of us will find a great many useful resources for our classes.
10 replies on “Call for Web-based Teaching Resources”
Steve, I compiled a bunch of links that I found useful on my website:
Thanks, Gleb. That’s very useful. I think I’ll create a page here and keep adding to it over time. Especially as I go through my own course in the fall, I’ll add all of the electronic resources that I use in my lectures. It’s becoming very clear to me that I take advantage of only a very small portion of what is out there.
I posted these yesterday, but for some reason the comment didn’t go through.
Here are a few:
Modern History Sourcebook: Russian Revolution
The Deepening of the Russian Revolution: 1917
Seventeen Moments in Soviet History
The Russian Museum of Ethnography
The Russo-Japanese War Research Society
RIA Novosti Project: Our Victory Day by Day
PBS: The Face of Russia
Soviet Archives Exhibit
Hello Steve, I also have an occasional blog/archive of interesting and useful Russia related resources. So far my favorite one for teaching is the amazing Harvard Emigre Interview Project site.
Thanks, Auri. Some great stuff there.
A couple of others I’d add are:
Gulag, Many Days, Many Lives @
The Cold War International History Project @
NYPL: Posters of the Russian Civil War @
Stalin Era Posters @
And a silly one, but something I find worth letting students see and getting them to work out the genuine historical insight within it (I think it’s unexpectedly clever), a capsule history of the USSR to the Tetris music @
All the best
Thanks, Mark. It warms my heart to see the Gulag site here, given that it was my project. Thanks for the others. I’ll add them to the page when it gets built.
Love the blog! A couple suggestions. First, the Virginia Tech’s Digital History Reader includes a nice unit on WWI & the 1917 revolution
Second – something that I’ve often wished for is an archive of exemplary Russian history syllabi and/or a list of commonly assigned textbooks, document readers, and memoirs. On a site like this, it might even be possible to create a list of textbooks and readers that would allow readers to comment on each title – essentially making an annotated bibliography that would help others discover useful teaching tools. When I’ve taught German history I’ve found the syllabus contest archive at H-German to be tremendously useful ( Perhaps the Russian History Blog could do something similar?
I really like the idea of a blog of exemplary Russian history syllabi and other teaching tools. Steve, perhaps you can consider taking up this idea as part of this project?
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